Bring us to your event

Would you like us to host a consent workshop or snuggle event in your city, at your personal gathering, or in a festival setting? We are happy to offer our workshops in other locations if you put together the location, attendance list, and cover our transportation and event fees.  Event fees generally range from $400-2000 depending on location and time requirements.  For more information send us an email at

We have hosted workshops at-
Firefly Gathering in Asheville NC
Quink Fair near Charlottesville VA
Hale Ohana in Kauai
Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage in Missouri
Wild Goose Festival in North Carolina

We also offer consent workshops for youth.
We have taught at summer camps and schools.  
We discuss the importance of boundaries and asking before touching our friends, even if it is loving touch versus aggressive touch.  We have the kids practice saying “NO” and mostly practice touch through high fives, fist bumps, foot-to-foot touches, and hugs.